Meet Lisa Maree Cullum: Tanya Pearson Academy
Lisa Maree Cullum
Artistic Director
What makes full time study at Tanya Pearson Academy stand out against other options available?
“The Tanya Pearson Academy has always stood for excellence in training aspiring young artists for successful careers in national and international dance companies. For many decades, the reputation of the Academy has grown to become undoubtedly one of the most successful, independent and elite ballet academies in the world. TPA is specifically renowned for nurturing exceptionally trained, professional artists for the world stage.
I believe that with our incredible faculty and new world class facilities we are in a unique position to offer a more comprehensive, exclusive, and exciting training program than ever before.
Introducing a wide range of opportunities such as workshops and auditions with high profile choreographers and directors, in-house company auditions, exceptional stage productions, exclusive audition tours and networking opportunities and choreographic collaborations with professional companies will ensure students are prepared for successful and long-lasting careers in the professional dance world.”
What kind of dancers benefit from your courses?
“When I work with dancers who are truly passionate and committed to learn the extensive techniques of classical ballet it is immensely rewarding for all.
Discovering the art of dance can be a slow process, but with much repetition, attention to detail, combined with a feeling of constant support, young dancers can be open to explore their own personal expansion.”
What do you look for in an audition?
“In an audition I of course look for physical attributes, but also coordination, musicality, and a feeling for expression, although sometimes that needs time to develop.”
What skills and experience can students expect to leave a course at Tanya Pearson Academy with?
“I believe it is important to not only prepare students with a strong and well-balanced technique, but also a confident and joyful heart.
Therefore, it is essential that we not only offer professional guidance from our committed TPA faculty, but also internationally recognized guest teachers and coaches, offering extensive workshops covering a diversity of styles such as Marius Petipa, August Bournonville, David Dawson, John Cranko, Hans Van Manen, George Balanchine, Nacho Duato, Jiří Kylián and Willima Forsythe to name just a few.
In an ever fast changing world, dancers are expected to be more versatile than ever before, so it is important that dancers be exposed to as many dimensions of dance as possible and as much stage experience as possible.”
Why are you so passionate about dance education?
“I was introduced to ballet as a child by my mother and my passion for this art form quickly grew. I have experienced a successful career as a dancer and now feel it is my obligation and honour to pass on all I know and have learnt during my career to future dancers.”
What types of opportunities do your alumni go on to secure?
“Our graduates have been successful in securing a broad range of opportunities in the industry locally, nationally, and internationally. Many have secured roles as company dancers, choreographers, independent artists, arts project collaborators, teachers in a range of contexts, performers engaged in a range of multidisciplinary projects and arts workers that can present with a range of skills and capabilities across the arts sector.”
Tell us about your new Australian Youth Ballet...
“The Australian Youth Ballet is an opportunity to give students of different ages valuable stage experience and to learn early on what it means to be a part of an ensemble, something bigger than just one person and of course the joy of supporting each other.
It also gives students the chance to share the stage with professional, well-established dancers and work with professional choreographers who offer inspiration to young aspiring artists.”